
Word for mac shortcut for thesaurus
Word for mac shortcut for thesaurus

WFC's TM format is open - it can be viewed or edited with Ms-Word™, Excel™, Access™ and many other popular programs. Documents can be verified in batch mode so that project managers can have a detailed report on the typography/terminology quality of the documents they receive after translation. WFC includes real-time Quality Assurance functions that include a typography checker, a terminology compliance checker, etc. The client's critical terminology can easily be entered in a WFC glossary, usually by copy-pasting all segments will be checked for terminology consistency during the translation process. WFC offers advanced terminology functions: three simultaneous glossaries, concordance search in unlimited numbers of TMs, reference search in various documents formats, links to various terminology databases, etc. The reader who is not familiar with these concepts can read Appendix I for an overwiew. WFC combines three core technologies: Segmentation, Translation Memory (TM), Terminology Recognition (TR).

word for mac shortcut for thesaurus


Its primary purpose is to assist professional translators dealing with Ms-Word documents. Wordfast Classic (WFC) is a Computer-Aided Translation (CAT) program designed as a Microsoft Word™ (thereafter written Ms-Word) add-on. There is more to learn, but the essentials are covered. You're done! The translated document can be delivered. When proofreading is complete, click the Cleanup icon. Proofreading: to edit a segment, place the cursor anywhere in that segment, press Alt+Down to open it, edit it, then move to the next or previous segment (Alt+Down or Alt+Up), or close the segment (Alt+End). To resume translation, click anywhere in the document and press Alt+Down.

word for mac shortcut for thesaurus

To pause or end translation, press Alt+End (or click ■ ), save the document, close Ms-Word if needed.

word for mac shortcut for thesaurus

Press Alt+Down, or click ⇩ to validate/close the current segment and open, then translate the next one. File Edit View Insert Format Tools Table ?

Word for mac shortcut for thesaurus